Date of the event

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany

MPIA conference website template

A simple generator using markdown and python

Help page

This page gives a small guidance about the edition of the pages.

Stucture of website

The website itself is defined in the docs/content directory and configured via the file (also index page).

Static files such as specific images should be stored in the docs/static directory.

Content in Markdown

Any page is defined by a Markdown document (see Markdown cheatsheet). Markdown is a simple, yet powerful, syntax to generate content.

Markdown is already a rich text format with simple syntax. It also allows one to use HTML code to extend the content not already covered by Markdown language. In addition to the basic syntax, you can also use icons from the Font Awesome and academicons libraries.

YAML Metadata Block

We use extensively the YAML front matter extension to store metadata about the individual pages and their configuration (see extension-yaml_metadata_block introduced by Pandoc). YAML is a very simple (bullet list) syntax to represent complex structures. The metadata block is the block between --- at the top of the files.

For example, the help page starts with the following metadata block

active: True
title: Help page
type: section

The actual content of this block is flexible and only needs specific fields depending on the type of page one wants to create.

One of the important field is active which sets if a page should be included or not when listed in the index page.

Index Page

The index page is the file (type: index) which defines the event information throughout the site.

Example of metadata block for the index page:

event:  # part of the top banner of the site
    - title: MPIA conference website template
    - subtitle: A simple generator using markdown and python
    - date: Date of the event
    - venue: Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany

    - name: The Data Science Team
    - url:
    - logo:  # -- MPIA logo
    - contact_url: "" # -- contact

    - url:
    - name: imprint

    - url:
    - name: privacy policy

content:   # the content and ordering of the sections
    - help
    - overview
    - organizers
    - participants
    - speakers
    - programme
    - venue-mpia
    - logistics
    - travel-mpia
    - code-of-conduct

Other page templates

Below we list the differents section types (e.g., type: section or type: index).

Section Type Description
section Base block, a simple freeform section
schedule The schedule page which takes its content from the metadata
speakers A speaker list with pictures and information

See examples of content and metadata in the docs/content directory.

More types can be added by defining new templates in the src/themes/default/templates directory.

Template text

We provide typical text template for conference events happening at MPIA or the HdA, and Ringberg. Feel free to submit a pull request if you want these to be updated or if you want to add more templates.

Generating website


Python dependencies

You first need to install the python dependencies which come with this package (markdown and pyyaml)

pip install .

Compile the website

Then you only need to run the Makefile in the docs directory:

make html

Serve locally

Especially when drafting content, being able to quickly serve the content of the site locally is useful.

python -m http.server --directory="docs/_build/html"

Hosted by GitHub Pages

In your repository settings, you need to setup the Pages options.

Set the branch to gh-pages and save.

The github action script automatically compiles the site into this branch every time a push is performed.


The workshop's theme is the Gaia selection function and how to use it. This event will be a three-day workshop and unconference, where we will discuss and learn from each other about the finer details of the Gaia selection function and how to build and use it in various contexts. Participants will be working with the new GaiaUnlimited selection function tools, for which we will assist as needed, and we will improve them based on the feedback we'll receive. We hope this workshop could lead to some new collaborations or initial joint studies. We want to dedicate a significant amount of time to unconference sessions and informal discussions.

This workshop is partially funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101004110.



The Data Science Team

  • Ivelina Momcheva
  • Morgan Fouesneau


The registration is closed.

Participants notified on July 14.

Participation confirmation by Aug 15.

  • There are no registration fees to participate to this workshop. (See logistics)

Any personal data you provide will be processed in accordance with the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy privacy policy.

We will later list here the participants of the workshop, and we will add a group picture.


Jane Doe

Anomymous Inst.

John Watson

Holmes Inst.

Elizabeth Brown

Color Uni.

Nicolas Volta


Jake Peralta


Miranda Smith

Iron inst.


The program is a template and will be updated soon.


08:30 - 09:00 Participants arrival
Registration, name tags, etc.
09:00 - 09:10 boot-up
Welcome and opening remarks
09:10 - 10:40 Pitch cards
Individual one slide introductions
10:40 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:00 Session 1
Session 2
with multiple line description
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 13:50 Session 3
Session 4
13:50 - 14:00 Daily Unconference Planning
Unconference topic selection and room allocation
14:00 - 15:50 Unconference and Tutorials
This session will include a tutorial
15:50 - 16:10 Coffee break
15:10 - 17:30 Unconference and Tutorials
Selected topics & tutorials
17:30 - 18:00 Wrap-up
Reports on the unconference sessions. Sharing results and feedback.
18:00 - Bus departure


09:00 - 09:10 boot-up
Welcome and opening remarks
09:10 - 10:30 Session 4
Anyone can present something, a stack of plots is sufficient.
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:00 Session 5
Content TBD
12:00 - 12:10 Daily unconference planning
Unconference topic selection and room allocation
12:10 - 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 16:00 Unconference and Tutorials
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 - 17:30 Session 5 - Contributed Talks (2)
17:30 - 18:00 Wrap-up
Reports on the unconference sessions. Sharing results and feedback.
18:00 - Bus departure


The workshop will be held at the Haus der Astronomie (HdA) at MPIA in Heidelberg. HdA is the Center for Astronomy Education and Outreach in Heidelberg; more information about the center and its facilities and resources here.


HdA is accessible to disabled persons, and dedicated parking spaces are available. Unfortunately, the buses dedicated to the event and public transportations may not be accessible for everyone. However, there are specific taxi services in Heidelberg that we can arrange on-demand. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance or have any questions.

Note that mobile phone connectivity at/around the HdA is at best poor but usually non-existent.



Max Planck Institute for Astronomy

Königstuhl 17

69117 Heidelberg, Germany


The workshop will start at 09:00 on Tuesday, September 13 2022, and finish at 16:00 on Thursday, September 15 2022.

There will be a dedicated bus to bring participants from the town to the workshop venue (see details under travel below). Participants are responsible for organizing their travel to Heidelberg and should make their own accommodation arrangements (see below).


There is no conference fee. All events happening at the venue (coffee breaks, lunches, reception) are covered, but we cannot offer travel or lodging support.


If you need help with childcare arrangements, don't hesitate to contact us.

Lunches & Coffee Breaks

The workshop provides lunch and coffee breaks at the venue on all workshop days. Vegetarian options will be available (no need to pre-order). If you have any additional dietary requirements (and may not have indicated so in your registration form), please email THIS PERSON well in advance. We will do our best to meet your needs, but we cannot guarantee that we will cater to every request.

Workshop dinner

To foster interactions between participants, we will be providing a reception buffet dinner on Wednesday evening at the venue.

We will adapt the bus schedule accordingly.


We are committed to providing an accessible environment for all participants. If you need help or arrangements, don't hesitate to contact the organizers.

Participants will pay attention not to leave out information for some people in your audience. Some of us might not be able to see well, hear well, move well, speak well, or understand information presented in some ways well or at all. Everyone at the event will be open to diversity in the audience and any accessibility issues. The Web Accessibility Initiative provides some information & directions.


Participants are responsible for making their own accommodation arrangements. Heidelberg has plenty of hotel and Airbnb options; the following hotels are some suggestions (but we don't endorse any particular hotel).

don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


This workshop is an in-person event. In addition, we will use:



You may need to apply for a visa to enter Germany. See this overview of visa requirements.

Feel free to contact the organizers if you need a letter of support.

Travel restrictions

While travel is now possible, there are still many continuously changing restrictions. We'll do our best to provide support and information.

Entry to Germany is limited to nationals from EU member states, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, and those vaccinated with vaccines approved in Germany. Exceptions are possible for researchers and scientists, but we recommend checking with your local German embassy to confirm if these apply to you. Travelers are obligated to provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 PCR test and proof of vaccination or recovery upon entering the country. Additionally, MPIA and HdA are currently operating under 2G rules whereby only vaccinated (with a Germany-approved vaccine) or recovered individuals are allowed on the premises. We will continue to update this information, and please check with a German embassy for specific restrictions and visa requirements based on your location and citizenship.

Getting to Heidelberg


We recommend flying to Frankfurt Airport (FRA), as this is the nearest international airport to Heidelberg. The following directions to Heidelberg assume that you are starting from Frankfurt.

Deutsche Bahn (DB) has connections from Frankfurt Airport (station: Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbahnhof) to various train stations around Heidelberg (likely either Hauptbanhof or Altstadt, depending on where your hotel is). Typically you will take a train to Mannheim and change platforms there for the S-Bahn to Heidelberg. The total travel time is of the order of one hour. Tickets cost about 25 € each way. The timetable is available here. You can buy a ticket in advance, but we don't recommend the cheaper "saver" tickets, as these apply to the specific booked train -- You cannot use them on a different train if you have flight delays.

The two best shuttle options are Transfer & Limousine Service (TLS) (40 € each way) and Lufthansa Express Shuttle (25 € each way).


Deutsche Bahn (DB) has connections to various train stations around Heidelberg (likely either Hauptbanhof or Altstadt, depending on where your hotel is). Typically you will have a connection in Mannheim and change platforms there for the S-Bahn to Heidelberg. Trainline could also help you plan your journey across multiple countries and train companies.

Although there are no barier gates in Germany, you will need to buy a ticket before stepping into the trains. The controls are frequent. You can buy tickets online or at ticket machines or for S-Bahn (and local buses) on the eVRN app.


A cheaper but slower alternative is the "Flixbus" from the airport to Heidelberg. The prices range from 5 to 15 € each way, but depending on the time of day, the trip could take up to three hours due to stops and traffic. To investigate timetables and book tickets, you can check out the Flixbus website.

Driving directions

If you decide to rent a car and drive, you can follow these directions (to MPIA).

Getting to HdA

There will be a shuttle to transport participants from the town center up the hill to MPIA/HdA every morning. It will leave from Hotel NH on Bergheimer Strasse at 08:15 (bus/company name "discipulus"). It will then stop briefly to pick up at Peterskirche (the stop on the south side of the road, i.e., the one closest to the hill) at 08:20 (the bus might only arrive five minutes later here, but be there no later than 08:20 as the bus cannot wait). A local participant will be at each pick-up point and travel on the bus. A bus will bring participants back into town (the same two stops) after each day's workshop.

Workshop bus itinerary

At other times of the day, you can take Bus 30 - the "Science Bus" - up to MPIA (the bus will drop you off right outside HdA) or back down the hill (you probably want to get off at Peterskirche). A map of the entire bus/tram network is here (the MPIA is slightly below and right of the center). You can buy tickets online or at ticket machines or (if that fails) from the driver on the bus (the cost is approximately 2.50 € each way) or on the eVRN app. Note that where the Science Bus departs - Universitätsplatz - to go up to MPIA is not far from Peterskirche. There is also a taxi stand near there if all else fails.

Exploring Heidelberg

The easiest way to explore Heidelberg is by foot. The Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr (RNV) provides public transportation in Heidelberg with buses and trams; these can take you more or less anywhere you want to go within the city. The timetables can be found online; you can also download various apps to help you plan, e.g., the official RNV app (in german) or the RNV Ticket app, and the eVRN app (in English). Note that Google Maps can also provide bus schedules.

Code of conduct

During the community workshop, we require participants to follow the code of conduct for the workshop which can be found below. If you have any questions about the workshop, you can reach the organizing committee.

The organizers are dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment, abusive behavior, or intimidation of conference participants in any form. As such, we follow the European Astronomical Society Council (EAS) Ethics Statement and Guidelines for Good Practice and expect all participants to read and abide by their statements.

In addition to a general Code of Conduct and Ethics, all participants must agree with our collaboration policy: i.e., to openly share their ideas, expertise, code, and interim results. Project development will proceed out in the open among participants.

Participants are encouraged to change gears, start new collaborations, and drop or combine projects. Any participant contributing significantly to a project can expect appropriate credit vessels (e.g., co-authorship).

We pledge to help the entire community follow the code of conduct, and to not remain silent when we see violations of the code of conduct. We will take action when members of our community violate this code such as notifying a workshop organizer or talking privately with the person. This code of conduct applies to all community situations online and offline, including the conference itself, mailing lists, forums, social media, social events associates with the conference, and one-to-one interactions.

Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Attendees violating these rules may be asked to leave the event at the sole discretion of the conference organizers.