
In astronomy, we commonly have to fit a model to data. A very typical example is the fit of a straight line to a set of points in a two-dimensional plane. Astronomers are very good at finding a representation or a transformation of their data in which they can identify linear correlations (e.g., plotting in log-log space, action angles for orbits, etc). Consequently, a polynomial remains a “line” in a more complicated representation space.

In this exercise, we consider a dataset with uncertainties along one axis only for simplicity, i.e. uncertainties along x negligible. These conditions are rarely met in practice but the principles remain similar. However, we also explore the outlier problem: bad data are very common in astronomy.

We emphasize the importance of having a “generative model” for the data, even an approximate one. Once there is a generative model, we have a direct computation of the likelihood of the parameters or the posterior probability distribution.

We explore solutions with various common frameworks

  • emcee nbviewer Binder

  • PyMC3 nbviewer Binder

  • pyStan, nbviewer Binder

  • and jax + numpyro nbviewer Binder